Yes, that's the title of this blog post. For two reasons.
1) I am classy. C-L-A-S-S-Y.
2) We are going to save a butt load. Literally.
That's right. Because diapers are expennnnnnnnnsive. Seriously. One week of diapers is around $25. <shocked emoticon>. Also now our "Recycle, Save the Planet" diaper bag will no longer be so ironic.
And here is the tot herself, donning her first reusable!
Awww... so cute. In other baby related news, Miss Mili had her two month check up today. She was two months on the 20th. She is now 10 lbs 10 oz and 23 and 3/4" long! That's in the 50th percentile in weight and the 90th percentile in height.
And that yellow mess in the background? Why that is the mobile wind sock chandelier from our wedding. I'm planning to hang it from the ceiling, perhaps trim it up a bit. Perhaps hang it from her light fixture for some extra special fanciness. Because we Grishams are nothing if not fancy people.
Finally speaking of weddings and fancy people, congratulations to Ashley McClure and Vilert Loving on tying the knot! And special congratulations for being able to legitimately say "Who me? Yes, I married Doctor Loving."
Finally speaking of weddings and fancy people, congratulations to Ashley McClure and Vilert Loving on tying the knot! And special congratulations for being able to legitimately say "Who me? Yes, I married Doctor Loving."
How jealous are you of that name? Admit it. So jealous.