Sunday, December 15, 2013

Review: What I remember of August and September 2013


Ok, honestly I don't remember much.  According to my camera, Mili built a lot of towers, stopped fitting into 2T clothes, and that was all.

~September ~

MJ decided she would no longer put up with the baby cage, so we transitioned from the crib...

to a toddler bed.  I swear it was just last week we were expertly hammering that crib together with a meat mallet, using our expert craftmenshipness, and thinking expertly idealistic parenting thoughts. 

Shortly thereafter Mili declared renewed an all out war on sleepy time and since then Caleb and I have dutifully returned to wearing "new parent zombie face."  In September we also traveled to Florida for the memorial of my Gramps.  I managed to only take one picture of the entire trip (Mili eating syrup... yeah I don't know), but my uncle took this nice picture of the cousins and Nana.


And Mili made a playmate in September which allowed me to occasionally finish complete thoughts as she and her playmate entertained / fought tooth and nail with one another.

MJ: "Ha ha ha!  She thinks we're going to eat this."

LL: "Pssh!  She thinks what now?"

LL: "Moms are hilarious.  Now bring me a cheese stick, woman!"

MJ and I also went to the Hot Springs Hot Air Balloon Festival balloon glow.  Unfortunately, the actual glowing of the balloons was cancelled due to weather.  Approximately five minutes after this photo was taken it started POURING.  But I got this nice picture of Mili and she got a bubble toy so we're not so torn up about it anymore.

In the background you can see our hopes and dreams for the evening slowly deflating.

Mili looking incredibly torn up inside

/ doesn't know anything is going on because "OMG BUBBLES."

 I'm sure other things happened, but I have no proof of them so...

THE END-ish?