Friday, September 30, 2011

Holey Schnikes!

This post has no pictures. 


You're here anyway so keep readin "STUFF ABOUT MAH KID." 

Mili bebe did some cool bebe stuff this week.  For instance, on Wednesday she put her foot in her mouth for the first time!  (Pictures to come soon... as soon as I find that camera). Then this morning she fell back asleep in her pack and play from full-on-awake all by herself.  Crying not included.*  She just woke up, ate her own foot for about 20 minutes and then fell peacefully back asleep. 

Finally, this morning she also managed to have tummy time for the required 30 minutes without spitting up all over herself or majorly freaking out.  This was probably helped by the fact that her Mommy wasn't all up in her face shaking rattles and saying "You can do it!  You can doooo it Mili Bear" in a Mommy sickingly sweet sing song voice (say that five times fast) that would probably make a grown adult lose their lunch. 

So, whoop, Go Baby!  (whoop,whoop, go baby).

*Don't worry internet parent trolls I imagine to be reading my blog** and judging me.  We don't let Mili cry it out.  I'm against it.  Currently.  I may not always be.  Not too strong a record on the parental convictions thus far.

**Yes, I'm aware no one reads this blog.  

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog! Good job Mili on the tummy time and the self-calming! Two very amazing feats! I can't wait to see the foot pictures, haha. I guess it's better than a thumb in the mouth? Maybe? ;)
