Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mili's First Birthday Preview

I know you all have been waiting with bated breath for Mili's first birthday and I would hate for anyone to pass out, so I thought I'd treat you to a little birthday party preview.  Also, as always happens with parties I'm planning, I've been asked what the theme is, to which I inevitably reply "Uh... um... like color and stuff?"  So here you go.

I call this theme "Beach Ball".

The best part about this party "theme" is that I had all this stuff on hand.  Paint, a whole punch, paper, an absurd number of baby food jars for the recycle…  Hopefully Mili won’t be too scarred by the fact that the most money I spent on her party was for cake mix.  And butter.  Butter is expensive (real butter, not margarine).  Who knew?  

Anyway, if you’re reading this and really upset that you didn’t get invited to her birthday, don’t despair.  You were invited.  Just in my head.  Via telepathy.  That’s how everyone was invited.  


My husband had to remind me approximately 9 days ago that Mili’s birthday was coming up and to text everyone and let them know.  Forgetting my child’s birthday does not mean I don’t absolutely love and adore her, by the way (eh hem, take note future Mili).  It means that the school semester was coming to an end and everyday I told myself as I worked frantically to finish my projects that Mili’s birthday was “About two weeks away.  That’s plenty of time to send out invitations.”  Every day.  The fact that each day that passed meant it was no longer "about two weeks away" didn't really factor into my planning / invite thinking process.  So if you're still feeling sad about the lack of invite, take solace in knowing that her own great aunt was invited today via awkward text message.  And if you'd like to come, just send me and awkward text message and I'll send you the address and time!

Oh!  And the other theme will be cuteness.  

Tiny Bunting: Little House Blog

Paint Dipped Baby Food Jars:  Oh Happy Day

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