Sunday, December 15, 2013

Review: What I remember of August and September 2013


Ok, honestly I don't remember much.  According to my camera, Mili built a lot of towers, stopped fitting into 2T clothes, and that was all.

~September ~

MJ decided she would no longer put up with the baby cage, so we transitioned from the crib...

to a toddler bed.  I swear it was just last week we were expertly hammering that crib together with a meat mallet, using our expert craftmenshipness, and thinking expertly idealistic parenting thoughts. 

Shortly thereafter Mili declared renewed an all out war on sleepy time and since then Caleb and I have dutifully returned to wearing "new parent zombie face."  In September we also traveled to Florida for the memorial of my Gramps.  I managed to only take one picture of the entire trip (Mili eating syrup... yeah I don't know), but my uncle took this nice picture of the cousins and Nana.


And Mili made a playmate in September which allowed me to occasionally finish complete thoughts as she and her playmate entertained / fought tooth and nail with one another.

MJ: "Ha ha ha!  She thinks we're going to eat this."

LL: "Pssh!  She thinks what now?"

LL: "Moms are hilarious.  Now bring me a cheese stick, woman!"

MJ and I also went to the Hot Springs Hot Air Balloon Festival balloon glow.  Unfortunately, the actual glowing of the balloons was cancelled due to weather.  Approximately five minutes after this photo was taken it started POURING.  But I got this nice picture of Mili and she got a bubble toy so we're not so torn up about it anymore.

In the background you can see our hopes and dreams for the evening slowly deflating.

Mili looking incredibly torn up inside

/ doesn't know anything is going on because "OMG BUBBLES."

 I'm sure other things happened, but I have no proof of them so...

THE END-ish?

Sunday, August 11, 2013



is becoming


This icky icky pillow in blue and brown became lovely in "citron".  One day the chair will get a makeover too.  In theory.  Also, because the of the way I lined up the envelope pillow cover in the back totally failed to think about the way the fabric lined up on the back of the pillowcase, you get this happy surprise when you turn the pillow around. 

Tell me everyone else sees the pillow smiling at you.  It's not just me, right?  This is pretty much the best way a pillow can surprise you.  

The little ones were creative...

And MJ built towers which she described as "awesome"...

and "amazing".  They were, as is she...

Monday, June 17, 2013

Lazy Sunday and Father's Day

The Bell Kiddos Circa 86 or 87?

Happy Father's Day! Caleb, Amelia, and I had a relaxing day of doing a whole lot of nothing.  I did make breakfast this morning, later MJ and I took naps, Caleb actually got to sit down and play a video game... a real rarity.  Then in the evening, we had an "A Few of Caleb's Favorite Things" feast: stuffed mushrooms with cayenne peppers, stuffed jalapeƱos wrapped in bacon, some Kerrygold Dubliner, and a Father's Day fave, STEAK.

Caleb and MJ reading a bedtime math story.

During our lazy day I found some time to style the coffee table and the bookcases, which is probably functionally pointless with a two year old, but makes me smile, nevertheless.  It is part of "Project Take Back My Home", the goal: to break up a little bit of Mili's monopoly on the shared spaces in our house.  She's two now, knows the ropes (mostly) when it comes to her things vs. the grown ups things, and understands "No" (although she still listens selectively).  I feel like putting breakable things within reach is no longer setting her up for failure, but letting her practice with boundaries.  We've lost one milk glass vase to PTBMH so far, but nothing irreplaceable.

Going to add some pretty flowers... really anything that isn't playdough looks "styled" to me.
P.S.  Thanks for the tray, Momma!

I'm also working to make our house feel like a home.  We've been here over a year and as of this morning, we still had a pile of artwork leaning against a wall in our bedroom, with no real plan of what to do with it.  Today I came up with a plan (hoorah!) and while planning, MJ found one painting and declared it was "Mia's horsey painting".  So I hung it at (toddler) eye level in her bedroom.  It looks completely out of place sandwiched between finger painted construction paper ticky tacked to the wall and a tower of primary colored jumbo cardboard blocks, but it makes Little Bit happy.  And that makes me happy too.

So I feel like our other project, "Make our house a home" is underway too.  Next on the docket, making curtains using a gift card I've had since my birthday (since my birthday! I just can't decide what to get).  Also, reorganizing, decluttering... maybe I'll get really crazy and actually hang up some art or throw down an area rug, who knows?  Oh and plants!  There will be plants!  MJ and I started growing lavender in the windowsill (Thank you to Caleb and Laura).

How about you?  How long does it take you to make your house a feel like a home? Anyone else with experience taking back your living room from a toddler?  Advice? Wisdom?

Much love,

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Growing: Letter Recognition

Mili seems to be recognizing new letters everyday lately when we read. 

She recognizes her name when she sees it and she likes practicing writing it (squiggle, line, line, line for M-I-L-I... but the line-line-line is her favorite part).   She also likes to write her name anytime she can find a forgotten crayon left out, or a pencil or pen that Mommy or Daddy left on the table  Her name and her artwork end up everywhere, on the walls, the coffee table, her chair, the washer, the front and back doors, the tile floor, even inside the gas cover on her Cozy Coupe.  Sometimes I think she has a secret stash of writing utensils she has been collecting... saving them for any moment she knows Mom and Dad aren't looking.  =) 

She also recognizes, M, B, P, O, K, J, Y and W pretty consistently as well as I and L (though she switches these up fairly often). "F" was a new letter just today.   

It is really amazing watching her grow and learn!  I'm finishing finals this week, and trying to make sure I still make time to read with her and play with her... Time is flying by lately and she is getting "big" so fast, I can't believe she'll be two next month!  She is an amazing little human being and Caleb and I love her so much.

Friday, January 25, 2013


Stumbled upon this awesome post by The Hippie Housewife on, in a sense, the means and ends of parenting.  It's a question I've been wrestling with this week, particularly since I've had "Friday patience" since Wednesday.  I've been struggling with losing my patience, my perspective, my sense of fairness when I'm exhausted and she's exhausted and everyone is just not getting along.  ...And neither one of us is doing the best we can. 

I guess, in these times, it's important to be reflective.  To take a breather.  To remind myself that I am capable of better.  To remember what I ultimately feel to be right or wrong for me, as MJ's parent. To think about my most deeply held values.  To think about what values I am expressing and teaching my child through my actions, and what kind of love.

 When I'm frustrated and I equate "what works" with what is also right, this is a good reminder:
"Parenting for results [is] focusing on the wrong questions... 'How can I make her listen to me?  'How can I get him to do what I want?'  'How can I make her stop doing that?' ... We focus on our desires and lose sight of what we believe to be true.  ...Whatever our desires, however noble our purposes, there is one question that must accompany them all: Are my actions the right actions?
Not will it work, but is it right? In so many other words,

Is this the right choice in this moment?
Does this decision line up with my values?

Many things will achieve my goals, but far fewer things are Good and Right.

Putting on her angelic face. =)

Goals are good. They give us direction for the journey. But when the question of how to achieve them becomes the ultimate question, we too easily lose perspective. Those questions must always be balanced by that one question, is this right?".

Here's to each miraculous chance to do a little better tomorrow.  Much love baby girl.