Sunday, August 11, 2013



is becoming


This icky icky pillow in blue and brown became lovely in "citron".  One day the chair will get a makeover too.  In theory.  Also, because the of the way I lined up the envelope pillow cover in the back totally failed to think about the way the fabric lined up on the back of the pillowcase, you get this happy surprise when you turn the pillow around. 

Tell me everyone else sees the pillow smiling at you.  It's not just me, right?  This is pretty much the best way a pillow can surprise you.  

The little ones were creative...

And MJ built towers which she described as "awesome"...

and "amazing".  They were, as is she...


  1. Such a happy pillow- makes me smile every time I see this picture.

  2. I know right. Yay for happy accidents! (Yes, pun intended). =D
