Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Artwork for Mili

This week in Grisham land...
Art for above the dresser/changing table in Mili's room.  Things seem to have evolved into a blue - green theme.  When I started out I really was going for a green and yellow color scheme.  But I like this first painting so much, I've been designing everything else around it.  And by designing I mean, imagining, not actually purchasing.  You may notice my reflection in the first one...  this is a result of my awesome photography skills, and not some impressive tromp l'oeil artistry skills.  Shocking.  I know.

Little Boxes on a Hillside
And here's where I'm going to go ahead and apologize for being the worst photographer I know.  Before you get to enjoy more picturey goodness (that's a word).  Anytime I'm asked to take a picture of a group of random strangers, I begin to wildly gesticulate towards other random strangers, trying to point the "would be subjects" in the right direction... which is "Not me."  So, not only are my pictures populated by shadows, reflections of self, and random glowing objects, but I really don't know how to use photo editing software.  It's a skill I'd like to address someday.  ...After I also learn how to use a sewing machine.  Crazy new fangled technology. We continue.

The Zoo


That little elephant makes me so happy!  I have to say, I'm pretty happy with how things have turned out.  I'm also including some other prints I've collected via Etsy over time, and I'll be sure to include them in the post where I stick 20 holes in the wall while trying to figure out how to arrange picture frames.  

Any links pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!  Probably even more so by my landlord.


  1. Oh.My.Gosh! THOSE ARE SO ADORABLE!!! You should totally start an etsy store!! Seriously cute, Sarah-Jean.
