Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resolutions: Blog More, Facebook Less

Look at me posting twice in one week.  Someone deserves a pat on the back.  And that someone is me.  

And you.  Also probably you.

Yesterday I introduced you to my first goal for 2012, to start dating again.  So today, I was going to talk about the oh-so-typical "lose weight" resolution and why I'm not making it, but one of my dear readers was so kind as to point out that I really should make it a goal to blog more.  And that just so happens to be:

RESOLUTION NUMBER THREE:  Blog More, Facebook Less
(slightly out of order, but I like to give the people what they want)

So why blog more?  Well primarily it's because of my raging narcissism that I see absolutely no reason to try to keep in check.  On the exact same hand,  it also gives me a chance to remind you all just how delightfully witty I am (more on that later).  Generally though, writing is therapeutic, according to the American Psychological Association.  Additionally, people who write, especially those who publish their writing on Blogs, tend to be more attractive, wealthier, and generally more popular than those who write on desks, bus seats, and bathroom stalls according to this article.  

Blogging also gives me a place to write about all the awesome things Mili does without having to worry about how my handwriting looks while trying to squeeze words onto those tiny blank lines in baby books.  So my resoultion, translated into measurable goal is: to update my blog once a week.    

Now I was going to write about why I've decided to Facebook less, but I've run out of time, so I'll summarize for now.  Facebook is a time stealing, harbinger of the apocalypse, created by the CIA to spy on you and also wants to EAT YOUR BABY!  

Or maybe it's just the time stealing part.  I can't go into more detail write now though, because I need to go check my Facebook.  


  1. I'd like to see this data on bathroom stall writing. I think it has less to do with attractiveness and more to do with inadequate fiber intake mediated by sharpie access. Let's write a paper together and self-publish.

  2. Agreed. Only if you publish under the name McLoving though.

    Interestingly, my graduate thesis was going to be on gender differences in restroom graffiti. Did I ever tell you that? The proposal was poop though.

    Ba dum bum! TSS!
