Friday, December 10, 2010

Place Your Bets!

Assuming all goes well next week, we could know the Bean's gender as soon as next Friday!  Which means if you don't make your predictions soon, you may forever miss out on your chance to say "I told you so" and prove once and for all you are more of a genius than our mutual friends and family.   

So in the spirit of that fun, Caleb and I put up a little baby poll on the right.  You can see how others are voting and then leave a comment with your guess.  Along with any accompanying "old wives' tales."

Don't worry, we'll put a full fledged Baby Pool for the due date, etc. at some point.


  1. I'm calling a... girl! Amelia Grisham does have a nice ring to it.

  2. Girl.
    Most definitely a girl.
    Unless, it is a boy.
    Dad Bell
