Monday, December 13, 2010

TuTu's and Clown Wigs

So the Husband has declared that if the Bean does turn out to be a girl, I will be limited to one tutu for all of the Bean's toddlerhood.  And I say, if I can't dress my kid up in ridiculous outfits for my own amusement, what's the point? 

I kid.  ...Mostly.   I remember during college espousing my adamant desire that, should I ever choose to procreate, my children would be dressed exclusively in androgynous yellows and greens.  I vehemently opposed the idea of dressing up my hypothetical children in "gender specific colors".  Especially dressing up little girls in froufrou dresses or the unimaginable tutu.  And then my niece was born and a strange thing happened.   I felt an overwhelming desire that she be the owner of a tutu.  And I made that happen.

As far as I can tell though, she's not yet been irreparably damaged and confined to stereotypical gender roles.   It's true, she does have a play kitchen and a multitude of "babies" which she cares for... but she also loves "big trucks," dump trucks, airplanes, "helicoplys," and tractors like they're going out of style.  I still like the idea of dressing my kid, regardless of gender, in greens and yellows, rather than blue or pink, but that might just be because I like green and yellow a whole lot more than blue or pink. 

So in conclusion, if I can only buy a Beanette one tutu for all of toddlerhood, that's ok.

Because it won't keep me from dressing her up in something equally as cute.  Like this.

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