Wednesday, May 11, 2011

38 Weeks

Well we are now at 38 weeks and some odd days and I am very much a mixed bag of emotions. 

On the one hand, I'm very happy that the due date is fast approaching!  At this point, Miss Mili could arrive at any time.  Last night I dreamed about taking care of Mili.  Putting her down for a nap.  Holding her.  Changing her tiny baby socks.  And she sure was beautiful!  It was probably my first dream about taking care of my baby that wasn't incredibly bizarre.  ...I was pretty grumpy to be woken up from it.  So for those reasons, I'm very excited that I'll soon be holding and cuddling my baby.

On the other hand, I've been sick for more than a week now with a really bad cold.  I'm on cold medicine, an inhaler, and my second antibiotic.  At this point I really worry that I would not have the physical energy for a normal delivery.  The old gimpy lung was even brought up in my doctor's appointment, which is never exciting.   I also lost some weight again this week, which I found to be discouraging.  So really, I would really, really, really like Mili to stay put where she is for another two weeks.  Give myself some time to recover and give her some time to put on some oh-so-cute baby fat.  =)

I have my last final of the semester tomorrow and Caleb's grades are due then as well.  So hopefully we will have some sick free time to recover, relax, nest a little before baby gets here. 

I really love summer time with my husband. 

And now I think I should get to packing that hospital bag...

With this!

Or this!
Or this!

Or this!

I could go on and on.  You know practically it should probably be whatever outfit would be easiest to put on her.  And will keep her warm. 

I think.  I don't really know what to consider in the take home outfit. 

It will be warm, but will baby be cold anyway? 
I have those little mittens for her tiny fists. 

Also how do you put a baby in a car seat that is wearing what is, essentially, a sleep sack?


Aesthetically green ruffles and polka dots are always a winner. 

As are monkeys...

and zoo animals...

and hats.  


  1. I vote C as take home! She'll probably wear all 3 outfits in one day anyway. Wishing you a safe delivery and a speedy recovery! <3

  2. Ashley's right, there'll probably be lots of clothes changes the first couple days (or weeks), so bring all three. Bring a baby blanket, so you don't have to worry about the clothes being warm. Just make sure they're comfortable for her delicate little skin! :) Oh yeah, with sleep sacks, you just have to bunch them up until you can latch the buckles.

  3. Don't use a gown or "sack" if baby is going to be in a carseat unless it has a slot for the harness, otherwise you could compromise the carseat's integrity. :) It will probably be pretty warm in the back seat of the car, so I vote for the first one. (I went to school with Caleb, BTW... In case you are wondering who I am!)

  4. I was wondering about the clothes the baby wears while in the hospital. Do they put her in hospital onsies or are we supposed to bring multiple outfits ourselves?

    That might seem like a dumb question, but I don't know.

  5. Hey,

    My husband and I went to TAMU-C with Caleb, and we just have our son 4 weeks ago. At our hopsital they put a white long sleeve shirt on the baby and swaddled him. I did have to bring my own hat. If you dress the baby in your own clothes there is a chance that the clothes could get lost in hospital laundry.

    And I also think the gown is not the best option for the car seat.

  6. Stacy's right.
    Kristina--Carseat's integrity --really ?

    S-J -- How about Bubble wrap with some well placed holes?

    I vote C or Three or Hat n Sac.


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